Can Chiropractic Help with Back Pain during Pregnancy?

Chiropractic during pregnancy can help reduce back pain and pelvic pain


Studies have shown that chiropractic care can help decrease back pain during pregnancy.  
Specific chiropractic adjustments where needed can restore joint motion and restore function, enabling the mother to better adapt to the changes in posture and added weight during pregnancy.
Some other issues that can arise during pregnancy that can be helped with chiropractic care including the following:
  • Neck, mid-back, or low back pain
  • Pelvic pain or pressure
  • Numbness in the thighs
  • Sciatica (pain down the leg)
  • Achy legs and buttocks
  • Hip pain


In addition, chiropractic care has been shown to:

  • Reduce labour pain


​Source: Canadian Chiropractic Association

What does an adjustment during pregnancy look like?


During pregnancy, adjustments are more gentle, as the hormone relaxin is released, which relaxes the ligaments around your joints. Chiropractic care during pregnancy is safe and can look different depending on the practitioner and clinic.


The way Dr. Natalie adjusts during pregnancy requires no twisting of the back. You will generally be lying face-down the entire time with your belly cushioned with the pregnancy pillows.


Dr. Natalie will assess and adjust what is needed in order to restore balance to your pelvis and spine. Using a tool called an Activator, which is a mechanical tool with a rubber tip, the adjustment feels like a gentle click applied to specific areas of your body. There is generally no "popping" or "clicking" noise with this type of adjustment. It is a gentle and effective way to restore motion to the joints where needed.

To summarize, the adjustments during pregnancy can be described as:

  • gentle clicks
  • no twisting of the back
  • no "popping" or "cracking" noises


Dr. Natalie continues to take further continuing education and training to deliver exceptional care specific to the prenatal period. Dr. Natalie is certified in the Webster technique, through the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA).  


The Webster technique is a specific chiropractic sacral analyis and diversified adjustment for all weight-bearing individuals.


Is chiropractic safe during pregnancy?


Chiropractic care during the entire pregnancy is safe for both mom and child. Dr. Natalie has the training to adjust throughout the pregnancy.


What if I can't lie on my belly?


Our office has pillows with a hole in the middle for your belly to allow you to lie face-down comfortably.  

Office Hours

Mon:   Closed

Tues:  8:30am-11:30am, 2-4pm

Wed:   10am-12pm, 1-4pm

Thur:  8:30am-11:30am, 1-4pm

Fri:     Closed

Sat:    9:30am-11:30am,


Sun:   Closed

Contact Us

Dr. Siu Chiropractic

1128-8700 McKim Way

Richmond, BC, V6X 4A5


Phone: (604) 270-2227


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